Entire Film

Appalachia: Short Documentary

This film was made in southern Appalachia in a place called Ducktown, TN. A good part of my childhood was spent there, and I came back for a couple of days with my cousin Andrew to run a camera. Due to a bit of unlucky geography (bordering three states and being cut-off by the Ocoee River), basic social service needs of the people are routinely neglected and life can be a real struggle.

This project has had an impact - the documentary was widely shared and volunteers returned to restore Brigitte's trailer and assist Mary with her myriad home repairs. It continues to circulate and help tell the story of the Copper Basin: it’s beauty, the people, an industrial decline and eco-crisis, and the possibility of renewal.

Credit: Writer, Director, DP, Editor, Producer

Runtime: 15 minutes (Digital)
Ducktown: wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducktown,_Tennessee