Entire Performance


A couple of years ago when I was going through my grandfather's stash of 8mm reels, scenes from old Ireland cut the family footage and flickered up against the wall.  I wound it back and let it turn against the projector light once more.  It was a rather grim look at Ireland, titled “Come Back To Ireland”.

There's no date on the film reel, nor in the frames. With a little research, I found that Castle Films made short travelogues around Europe in the 30's and 40's, but no mention of this film, and if this is a travelogue, my god, well.... wouldn't make you want to leave the house.  I'd place it somewhere in the 30's. It is a remarkable film, a truly uncommon sight.

My new friend in Dublin, Jessamyn Fiore, invited me to have a night at her gallery and I decided to put this film at the center of the evening. I looped the reel for a couple of hours in the front room. Every two minutes the LUAS rail line stopped outside her gallery and the passengers could watch a few seconds of this strange film. To cap the evening, I invited a trio of young Irish players to match their traditional instruments and skill against the visual for the final projection of the film. We composed the music together over a couple of evenings and this was our one off performance! The night was wonderful!

Credit: Artist, Director, Producer

Runtime: 10 minutes (Digital)
Website: thisisnotashop.wordpress.com/