It’s finally time to do it… Time to go electric! Seven years ago I bought this van in Corona for under $4000 and drove it back to the farm in Malibu. I wanted a van that I could put surfboards and a little bed in and head up the coast. Little did I know that I’d find one that was absolutely gleaming with a near perfectly maintained exterior, original interior, low mileage, with a Tommy Liftgate thrown in.

It’s a looker and when it’s clean, every time I pull up to a light someone comments, “Woooow… what is that?!” “Never seen one of those!”. And in seven years driving around LA, up to San Fran and down to San Diego, I’ve never seen another one. It’s unique. But it’s not sustainable with gas and needs some TLC - rust around windshield, minor cosmetics on body, engine is getting old. It would break my heart if this got junked… just too many memories and too cool of a car.

Ever since I saw Who Killed the Electric Car and Revenge of the Electric Car, I dreamed of one day converting a classic car to an EV with Reverend Gadget. I want to drive this thing around the USA for another 30-40 years and spread the gospel of converting old vehicles to EV!

Now to figure out how to make the dream a reality!!


Engine: 5.7 L V8 MPG: 12 city / 14 highway (omg..) LBS: 2.5 tons


To work with Left Coast EV to do the conversion and a little body work.


If they do a season 2 of Reverend Gadget’s Garage maybe it could be featured? Or we dedicate an episode of our How To Heal The Planet to EV’s and batteries? Would GM sponsor the conversion? What other earth friendly group might sponsor…?